phone 276-613-6868
For your 30.00 equipment consultation by phone, buy here...
Course Outline and Pricing...
In many cases, we will be able to add you to an upcoming class "last minute"... since we offer multiple classes per month (not just 1 or 2 like most places do) we can make room for you, and even a couple others with you on only a day's notice.
Just email and/or call or text 276-613-3410 to find out about last minute openings.
To book a class, it is best to make initial contact by email, at If you have questions which you cannot find the answers to in these pages, list them in the email and we'll reply within 24 hours (resend the email if you don't get a reply within 1 business day, and/or copy it to ). The regular weekend class is 420 dollars.
Our class size at the 420 dollar rate will be held to an averages of six persons per class. This will allow for an enhanced classroom and range experience, with considerably more individual attention to each client. For larger classes, we bring in extra instructors.
Equipment Consultation: If you're unsure what rifle, scope, ammo, etc. that you need, we can do a phone consultation to go over your options. The price of this consultation is 30 dollars. Please email for an invoice, or pay by clicking button below:
For equipment recommendations... press this button--->
Lodging info: Call Country Inn & Suites in Wytheville, VA... 276-223-1058 (ask for BangSteel rate) . We strongly recommend lodging at the Country Inn & Suites in Wytheville. Current BangSteel rate is 80 dollars per night for up to 2 persons, and we often use their breakfast meeting room for the classroom work. If you will be lodging elsewhere, please let us know in your early correspondence with us, as this may affect the venue of our classroom sessions.
The introductory course is a two day course, offered primarily on Friday and Saturday. We meet at 10:00 am and go until around 3:15PM. Please note that the class can run longer, depending on how many are in the class, and how soon each member meets the required objectives. The cost of this class is 420 dollars. You will learn enough about long range riflery in our introductory course to pursue further studies and skills on your own, or you may decide to return for more in depth, individualized training at a later date. (Email for weekday course offerings).
Private day clinics: We can offer one-on-one instruction at a rate of 380 dollars per day. This day clinic will last approximately 4 to 4.5 hours, and will include classroom material at the beginning of the day. Many folks cannot set aside 2 days from their week for a regular 2 day class. The private day clinic is the best option in this case, and basic knowledge of long range rifle work, and data for target engagements (and good hits) to 1000 yards will be obtained in the private 1 day class. The private one day classes are offered on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.
Day clinic pricing is as follows:
1 person, 380 dollars
2 persons, 320 dollars each
3 persons, 280dollars each
4 persons, 260 dollars each
(we prefer a limit of 4 per private class)
Private 2 day classes are also offered. The private 2 day classes are held Monday through Wednesday (on two consecutive days of your choice). The rate depends on the number of persons in your group (normally 2 times the day clinic rate shown above), and the time of year you will be attending. You can come alone (December through February), or bring up to 3 others for your group. Email for details and pricing. Off season (December through February) rates are often discountedif 3 or more are in your group. In the winter season, we can offer 1 person the 2 day private class.
Inclement weather...
Please realize... weather can change, and we are geared up to handle the classes come rain or shine. We have a 20 x 25 foot shelter on site, and as long as wind is staying under 20 MPH, we'll be fine to work. When you request class dates to be held for you, make sure you do plan on attending, regardless of weather. If weather is extremely inclement, we will cancel the class, and refund your money, and re-schedule you for another date (if you wish to do so). Otherwise, we'll be shooting. Remember our motto: "This ain't golf." :)
Full two day course schedule follows...
IMPORTANT!! Please understand the curriculum you're enrolling in. We are very much precision driven--with the emphasis being on maximizing hit counts. We have noted over time that the better the shooter, the fewer rounds he or she will use to complete the objectives of the course. Please realize we are going to have you THINK COMPREHENSIVELY about each and every shot; you'll not be encouraged or even allowed to "shoot and hope" until you run out of ammo. In short--you'll be making every shot count. :)
Day 1 (Friday)
10:15 AM--CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION BLOCK: In this segment you will be given an understanding of basic ballistics, muzzle velocity and trajectory, ballistic coefficient, etc. Pertinent exterior ballistics will be covered as well. Basic wind reading techniques and a simple formula for calculating windage values will be covered. We will also go over the basics of rifle scope construction, proper sight picture (parallax and crescent shadow issues), the importance of keeping the scope level during long range shooting, and some tips for mounting the scope to the receiver, as well as simple modifications (if requested) you can make to most any bolt action rifle to improve accuracy. MOA (minute of angle) and milliradian (mil) measurements will be discussed. Please take plenty of notes during this session, as you'll likely have questions later on...
11:20 PM--PROCEED TO THE FIRING LINE FOR SYSTEM PROVING: The initial standard will be 1.5 MOA or less (if you're unfamiliar with MOA measurements, don't worry, this will all be explained in the classroom sessions). If you and your rifle shoot a 5 shot groups at 100 yards no larger than 1.5 inches, the initial accuracy standard is reached. You will then chart your elevation range, being sure you can dial the scope to the level that constitutes a 1000 yard zero for your rifle and load. If you are unable to achieve the 1.5 MOA level of accuracy and/or your scope will not dial up far enough to get a 1000 yard zero, your rifle will be evaluated by one of our instructors. Steps will then be taken to correct any issues. The instructor may need to fire your rifle using the ammo you have brought--so remember to bring no less than 140 loaded rounds for the two day course. If the rifle and/or load recipe is suspect, we will take measures to help you correct the issues. That said, we do not anticipate system accuracy problems as you will have verbally affirmed prior to coming to the course what you and your rifle are capable of.
LUNCH BREAK: It is best to bring a lunch with you. Either pack some bread and cold cuts for sandwiches, or pick up a cold sandwich from a local Subway (for instance) prior to meeting for the classroom portion of the course at 10:00am. You'll eat during the class, we don't stop for lunch! :) Bring plenty of water as well.
If you have a canopy type tent or sunshade chair, or even a large umbrella it could come in very handy for the class. Bring sunscreen and a suitable hat as well. Insect repellent is another good thing to have on hand, as we work in the open field. A large bath towel can come in very handy for many things, and trash bags are yet another item you may find useful during the class (to cover gear in case of rain, for instance). Don't forget your shooting mat, or a blanket or tarp to lay down on!
At the range... We will continue evaluating individual sighting systems on each shooter's rifle, determining the best way to employ that particular scoped rifle for shooting long range. If your scope has what are known to be repeatable turret adjustments, you will go that route and you'll be "dialing" for distance for your long range shots. During these stages, we will begin putting together a trajectory chart for your rifle and load. In the case of a shooter using reticle holds, he will be taught where on the turret to find zeroed ranges at 100 yard increments out to 1000 yards, and he will chart the hold over or hold under for ranges in between by sketching the reticle and noting holdover points. note: many from the hut-hut brigade will more or less turn their noses up at this technique, but it worked for the Marines in Viet Nam, and it'll still work here... so lighten up Francis... :) ... remember, our goal is to teach people to use what they already have, and knowledge of fixed zero points with hold-offs logged and committed to memory will come in handy if/when one has to employ a scope which is not "dial friendly."
End of Day 1: We will evaluate the performance of each shooter, and the data that he or she has recorded. We will determine at this time if there are any points that need to be clarified for anyone, or if there are any equipment issues that need resolving. We should have data and wind call plans for every rifle out to 600 yards or a bit farther by the end of the first day.
Day 2 (Saturday)
10:00am until approximately 11:30pm--CLASSROOM: We will meet at the designated classroom area and go over what we've learned from the previous day. Much of the discussion and instruction from the Saturday morning session will be dictated by questions and issues that have come up from the Friday range sessions. More in depth information will be offered as to handloading for optimal accuracy, and we will cover some basic modifications you can do to your rifle to get the most accuracy out of it. You will learn about bullet spin drift and the Coriolis effect as well. Rifle and scope options for those considering better equipment will be discussed. Angle shots will also be covered.
Again, you will have your lunch ready to take to the range prior to the morning classroom session. We go straight to the range from the classroom. Shooters will engage targets at ranges from around 400 yards all the way to 1200 yards. The notes taken from the previous day will be invaluable for this session. Spotters will need to be sharp, ensuring that each shooter has the benefit of accurately called shots so that follow up shots after misses will hit the target. Shooters will understand that near misses with accurate follow up shots are often the norm when shooting at targets at long ranges. A military sniper who did not have a book for sale said: "There have been a lot more enemy killed with the second shot, than the first." The venue where we shoot is difficult (to say the least) for accurately predicting the wind's effect on the first shot. If you're accustomed to shooting in widespread, flat arenas, you're going to be surprised at how the wind works in hill country; much of what works in other geographical areas will not work here--and you often don't find out what the wind is actually doing "way out yonder" until you've fired your first shot. It can be a humbling experience for even the most seasoned competition shooter.
11:00AM until 3:00 PM... we will begin with a debriefing of each shooter, addressing particular concerns. Shooters will be encouraged to ask whatever questions they have, with a realization that many others in the class may be wondering the same thing--so there are no "stupid" questions--you're paying for the information, and YOU are a primary part of ensuring that you get your money's worth. So don't be shy with the questions, you will likely help others by asking for help yourself. During this last phase of the course, each shooter will be encouraged to work on the skills he or she has had the most difficulty with up until this point. One on one instructional accommodations will be made wherever possible. If you need more work with the actual rifle, we'll do that... if you're not clear about trajectory or wind drift issues, we'll cover that. So be ready in this last afternoon of range time to assist us in bringing you up to speed on whatever points you may remain unclear on. Please note that with rare exceptions we finish shooting at 2:50PM and use the remaining half hour of the day for follow up discussion, Q&A, etc.
Please realize that the introductory course is just that, introductory. More in depth and even individualized courses can be undertaken at future dates... However, if you pay close attention to what is being taught, and are mindful to follow the instructions you are given, you will come away from the introductory course with the ability to hit targets out to 1000 yards and in some cases even farther. The introductory course will provide the foundation on which you can build further knowledge of shooting long range, and many of you will be able to do this on your own, at ranges perhaps more local to where you live.
Please note: This itinerary is flexible to allow for the particular make up of the individuals in the given class. For instance, if everyone is using a mildot scope with mil adjust turrets, and no one in the class is interested in MOA (minute of angle) discussion, we won't go in depth into MOA, but will use the added time to cover other matters of interest to those in the group. This said, if ONE person it the group wants MOA info, everyone will get MOA info. :)
For this foundational two day course the price will be $420.00... We are not endeavoring to get rich doing this; we're doing it because we truly wish to share this knowledge with as many riflemen as possible. So long as our equipment expenses are covered, and we earn a reasonable amount for our time and attention, we'll be happy. :)
PAYMENT: If paying by credit card, the course must be paid for in advance of your arrival unless other arrangements are made (just email us). MasterCard, Visa, and Paypal are accepted. If you prefer to bring cash, you can bring payment with you when you come. Course fees are non-refundable, but if you cannot make a particular session after you've pre-paid, you can enroll in another course at a later date. Also, please note that the credit card companies charge us around 4 percent to process a payment, so we will need to add 4 percent to the invoice total when we send it to you, if you're paying by credit card. We normally ask for a small deposit to hold the dates, and do not take full payment in advance of the class. (email for details).
In the event that severely inclement weather appears likely to ruin our range time, I will contact you ahead of time and announce the "rain date." If you're unable to make the rain date, your class fee (or deposit) will be refunded to you in full. Of course "real world" shooting happens in all sorts of weather, so we will make every effort not to cancel classes. Major snow or rain storms, or extremely high winds are the sorts of weather we will have to schedule around. Moderate snow, rain or wind will not result in class cancellation. Your pre-payment is not refundable unless we (not you) cancel the class. :)
It is our hope that each shooter will come away with a well grounded knowledge base of long range shooting. While the techniques we will teach have been proven in the field, they may differ slightly (or perhaps radically in some cases) from what you may have been exposed to in the past, so be prepared for that. If you prefer a different wind doping method than the one we teach, I won't fuss with you--so long as you're hitting steel, that is. :) And by the way, toss out pretty much all you've "learned" from sniper movies and war books--and show up with an attitude to learn--and the course will go well for you, and you will indeed gain knowledge.
CONTACT INFO >>>>> email
All general questions about our classes which you may wish to have answered before booking your class should be put to us in email form. If you do not get an email reply with 1 business day, please re-send your email, or copy it to You can also call 276-613-3410 for info.
Dan Newberry
Practical Long Range Riflery
OCW Handload Consulting